Computer Study

sup Tag n HTML

The `<sup>` tag in HTML is used to format text as superscript. Superscript text appears as a smaller, raised character above the baseline of the text. This tag is commonly used for mathematical equations, chemical formulas, footnotes, and other instances where the text needs to be displayed in a smaller size above the normal text. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of the `<sup>` tag and how to use it.


The syntax for the `<sup>` tag is very simple. To create superscript text, simply enclose the text that you want to display as superscript in the `<sup>` tag. Here is the basic syntax:

<sup>superscript text</sup>

Here is an example of how to use the `<sup>` tag in a sentence:

The formula for water is H<sub>2</sub>O, where <sub>2</sub> is the subscript for the number of hydrogen atoms, and <sup>O</sup> is the superscript for the element oxygen.

This will display the word “Oxygen” in a smaller font size and raised above the baseline.


Here is an example of how to use the `<sup>` tag in HTML:

<p>The equation for the area of a circle is A = &pi;<sup>r</sup><sup>2</sup>, where &pi; is pi and r is the radius of the circle.</p>

In this example, the letter “r” is displayed in a smaller font size and raised above the baseline.

Styling Superscript Text

You can also apply CSS styles to superscript text using the `<sup>` tag. For example, you can change the font size, font family, color, and background color of superscript text. Here is an example of how to style superscript text using CSS:

<p>The boiling point of water is 100&deg;<sup style=”font-size: 8px; font-family: Arial; color: red; background-color: yellow;”>C</sup></p>

In this example, we have applied several CSS styles to the `<sup>` tag. The font size is set to 8 pixels, the font family is set to Arial, the text color is set to red, and the background color is set to yellow.


In conclusion, the `<sup>` tag is a simple and useful way to display text as superscript in HTML. It is commonly used for mathematical equations, chemical formulas, footnotes, and other instances where the text needs to be displayed in a smaller size above the normal text. By understanding the basics of the `<sup>` tag, you can enhance the readability and clarity of your HTML content.

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