Computer Study

Important File Extensions in Computer

Important Computer Extensions


Text Files

.log: Log File

.wpd: WordPerfect Document

.odt:  OpenDocument Text Document

.pages:  Pages Document

.doc:  Microsoft Word Document

.docx:  Microsoft Word Open XML Document

.tex:  LaTeX Source Document

.wps:  Microsoft Works Word Processor Document

.msg:  Outlook Mail Message

.rtfRich:  Text Format File

.txtPlain:  Text File

Data Files

.vcf:  vCard File

.dat:  Data File

.pptx:  PowerPoint Open XML Presentation

.sdf:  Standard Data File

.tar:  Consolidated Unix File Archive

.csv:  Comma Seperated Values File

.xml:  XML File

.pps:  PowerPoint Slide Show

.ppt:  PowerPoint Presentation

Audio Files

.aif:  Audio Interchange File Format

.mpa:  MPEG-2 Audio File

.ra:  Real Audio File

.iff:  Interchange File Format

.wav:  WAVE Audio File

.wma:  Windows Media Audio File

.mp3:  MP3 Audio File

Video Files

.avi:  Audio Video Interleave File

.3gp3:  GPP Multimedia File

.flv:  Flash Video File

.mpg:  MPEG Video File

.vob:  DVD Video Object File

.mp4:  MPEG-4 Video File

.3g:  23GPP2 Multimedia File

.m4:  viTunes Video File .wmv:  Windows Media Video File

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