Computer Study

bdo Tag in HTML

The <bdo> tag in HTML stands for “Bi-Directional Override”. This tag is used to override the default text direction of the web page and force the text to be displayed in a specific direction.

In some languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, the text is written from right to left, while in others, such as English, it is written from left to right. The <bdo> tag is used to ensure that the text is displayed in the correct direction.


The syntax for the <bdo> tag is as follows:

<bdo dir=”direction”>text</bdo>

The dir attribute is used to specify the direction of the text. The possible values for the dir attribute are “ltr” (left to right) and “rtl” (right to left).


Here is an example of how to use the <bdo> tag in HTML:

<p>This is some English text.</p>
<p><bdo dir=”rtl”>هذا هو بعض النص العربي</bdo></p>

In this example, the first <p> tag contains English text, which is displayed from left to right. The second <p> tag contains Arabic text, which is displayed from right to left using the <bdo> tag.


The <bdo> tag in HTML is used to override the default text direction of the web page and force the text to be displayed in a specific direction. It is useful for displaying text in languages that are written from right to left, such as Arabic and Hebrew.

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