Month: February 2024

  • strong Tag in HTML

    The `<strong>` tag is an HTML element that is used to highlight text in a webpage. When you apply the…

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  • style Tag in HTML

    The `<style>` tag is used to define styles for HTML documents. It is an essential part of building modern websites…

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  • sub Tag in HTML

    The <sub> tag is an HTML tag used to represent subscripted text. Subscripted text is text that is written in…

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  • table in HTML

    The HTML <table> tag is used to create tables in web pages. Tables are a useful way to display data…

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  • tbody Tag in HTML

    The `<td>` tag is used to define a data cell within a table. In this tutorial, we will cover the…

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  • template Tag in HTML

    The `<template>` tag is an HTML5 tag that is used to declare HTML templates. It is a useful feature that…

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  • textarea Tag in HTML

    The `<textarea>` tag in HTML is used to create a multi-line text input field where users can input and edit…

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  • tfoot Tag in HTML

    The `<tfoot>` tag is an HTML element that is used to define the footer section of a table. The `<tfoot>`…

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  • th Tag in HTML

    The <th> tag is an HTML element that is used to define table header cells. This tag is used within…

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  • thead Tag in HTML

    The `<thead>` tag is used in HTML to define a table header. It is a container tag that should be…

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