My Courses

  • br Tag in HTML

    The <br> tag in HTML stands for “line break” and is used to create a line break or a new line within a paragraph. It is a self-closing tag, which means it doesn’t need a closing tag. Syntax: The syntax for the <br> tag is as follows: <br> Usage: The <br> tag is commonly used…

  • body Tag in HTML

    The <body> tag is one of the most important tags in HTML, as it contains the main content of a web page. The <body> tag is used to define the visible content of the web page that is displayed in the browser window. The content of the <body> tag can include text, images, videos, links,…

  • blockquote Tag in HTML

    The <blockquote> tag is an HTML element that is used to indicate a block of quoted text. It is typically used to display a long quote or a block of text that is taken from another source. Syntax: The basic syntax for the <blockquote> tag is as follows: <blockquote> <!– Quoted text goes here –>…

  • big Tag in HTML

    The <big> tag in HTML is used to increase the font size of the text enclosed within it. It is a non-semantic tag, which means it does not convey any meaning or importance to the content within it, but rather it is used purely for presentational purposes. Syntax: The syntax for the <big> tag is…

  • bdo Tag in HTML

    The <bdo> tag in HTML stands for “Bi-Directional Override”. This tag is used to override the default text direction of the web page and force the text to be displayed in a specific direction. In some languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, the text is written from right to left, while in others, such as…

  • Bdi Tag in HTML

    The <bdi> tag is a relatively new HTML5 tag that is used to isolate a span of text that might be formatted differently from the text around it, due to a difference in language or directionality. The name “bdi” stands for “Bi-Directional Isolation”. The <bdi> tag is useful for websites that support multiple languages or…

  • Basefont Tag in HTML

    The <basefont> tag in HTML is used to define the base font size, color, and face for a web page. This tag is used to set the default font size and other properties for all the text on a web page. Syntax: The syntax for the <basefont> tag is as follows: <basefont size=”size” color=”color” face=”face”>…

  • Base Tag in HTML

    The <base> tag in HTML is used to specify the base URL or base address for all the links and resources used in the web page. The <base> tag is usually placed within the <head> section of an HTML document. Syntax: <head> <base href=”base_url”> </head> The href attribute is used to specify the base URL…

  • B Tag in HTML

    The <b> tag in HTML is used to make text bold. When you use the <b> tag, the text enclosed within the tags will appear in a bold font. Here’s an example: <p>This is some <b>bold text</b> in a paragraph.</p> In the above example, the word “bold text” will appear in a bold font. You…

  • HTML Audio Tag

    The HTML <audio> tag is used to embed audio content into a webpage. It is a self-contained tag, meaning it does not require a closing tag. The <audio> tag has several attributes that can be used to customize the way the audio is displayed and played. In this tutorial, we’ll go over the basic syntax…

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