My Courses

  • Aside HTML Tag

    The <aside> tag is an HTML5 tag that is used to define content that is tangentially related to the main content of the web page. The content inside the <aside> tag is typically presented as a side panel or a box that is separate from the main content. Here’s an example of how the <aside>…

  • Article Tag in HTML

    The <article> tag is an HTML5 element used to define a self-contained piece of content that can be easily distributed or reused. In this tutorial, we’ll take a closer look at how to use the <article> tag in your HTML documents. Syntax The syntax for the <article> tag is straightforward. Simply enclose the content that…

  • Area HTML Tag

    The <area> tag in HTML is used to define clickable areas within an image map. When a user clicks on a defined area, they are redirected to a specific URL or action. This tag is often used in conjunction with the <map> tag, which defines the entire image map. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how…

  • Applet Tag in HTML

    The <applet> tag is a legacy HTML element used to embed Java applets on web pages. Java applets were used to add interactive features to web pages in the past, but they have been largely replaced by other technologies like JavaScript and HTML5. However, if you have a legacy website that still uses Java applets,…

  • Address Tag in HTML

    The <address> HTML tag is used to provide contact information for the author or owner of a document or an article. This information can include the author’s name, physical address, email address, phone number, and other relevant information. When used correctly, the <address> tag can help website visitors easily find and contact the author or…

  • Acronym Tag in HTML

    HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is a language used to create and structure web pages. HTML uses tags to define the structure and content of a web page. One of the tags used in HTML is the acronym tag. In this tutorial, we will discuss the acronym tag, its purpose, and how to…

  • Abbreviation Tag in HTML

    HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a markup language used to create and structure content for the web. HTML documents consist of a series of HTML tags, which define the structure and content of the page. One important HTML tag is the tag, which is used to define an abbreviation or acronym on a webpage. In…

  • HTML Anchor

    HTML Anchor An HTML anchor is a hyperlink that points to a specific location on a web page or to another web page. Anchors are created using the <a> tag, and can be used to link to other web pages, files, email addresses, or specific locations on a web page. To create an anchor, you…


    The <!DOCTYPE> tag is an HTML declaration that specifies the version of HTML being used in a web page. It is located at the beginning of an HTML document, before the <html> tag. The <!DOCTYPE> tag is required for all HTML documents, and its purpose is to tell web browsers what type of document they…

  • HTML Comments

    HTML Comments HTML comments are used to add notes or annotations to HTML code that are not displayed in the browser. Comments are useful for documenting the code, adding reminders or instructions, and temporarily removing parts of the code without deleting them. To create an HTML comment, you can use the <!– and –> tags.…

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