My Courses

  • summary Tag in HTML

    The `<summary>` tag is an HTML5 element that is used in conjunction with the `<details>` tag to create an interactive widget that allows the user to show or hide content on a webpage. When the user clicks on the summary, the details section of the widget will either expand or collapse, revealing or hiding the…

  • svg Tag in HTML

    The <svg> tag is an HTML element used to define scalable vector graphics, which are graphics that can be scaled up or down without losing quality. SVG graphics are based on XML and can be created using text editors or specialized software. To use the <svg> tag, follow these steps: 1. Open your text editor…

  • sup Tag n HTML

    The `<sup>` tag in HTML is used to format text as superscript. Superscript text appears as a smaller, raised character above the baseline of the text. This tag is commonly used for mathematical equations, chemical formulas, footnotes, and other instances where the text needs to be displayed in a smaller size above the normal text.…

  • Center Tag in HTML

    The <center> tag in HTML is used to center-align the content within it on the web page. It was commonly used in older versions of HTML but has been deprecated in HTML5. To center-align content in HTML5, you can use CSS styling instead. Here’s an example: <div style=”text-align:center;”> <!– Your content here –> </div> In…

  • DBMS – Transaction, Serializability, Equivalence Schedules, States of Transactions

    A transaction in a database management system (DBMS) is a logical unit of work that represents a sequence of operations that must be executed as a single, indivisible unit. The main purpose of a transaction is to ensure data consistency and integrity. In this tutorial article, we will discuss the concept of transactions in DBMS,…

  • DBMS – Concurrency Control

    DBMS – Concurrency Control Concurrency control is a critical aspect of database management systems (DBMS) that ensures the correct and consistent execution of multiple transactions simultaneously. It is the process of managing simultaneous access to the database by multiple transactions, while ensuring data consistency and avoiding conflicts. The main goal of concurrency control is to…

  • DBMS – Concurrency Control ,Prevention or Avoidance

    Deadlock is a situation in a database management system (DBMS) where two or more transactions are waiting for resources held by each other, resulting in a state where no transaction can proceed. This can result in a complete system halt and can have severe consequences for the system’s performance and reliability. Deadlock occurs when transactions…

  • DBMS – Data Backup, Recovery

    Loss of Volatile Storage In a database management system, volatile storage refers to the portion of the memory that is used to store temporary data or data that needs to be frequently accessed. This type of storage is volatile in nature, which means that the data stored in it is lost when the system is…

  • File Organization Heap, Hash File Organization file organization

    File Organization File organization refers to the method used to store and organize data in a computer file system. There are several file organization methods used in database systems, including: Sequential organization: In this method, records are stored in a contiguous block on the storage device in a fixed order, typically based on a primary…

  • Indexing in DBMS

    Indexing in DBMS Indexing in DBMS (Database Management System) is a technique to improve the performance of database queries. It is a way to organize data in a specific order to improve the search and retrieval process. In other words, an index is a data structure that allows fast access to data in a table…

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