My Courses

  • time Tag in HTML

    The `<time>` tag is an HTML element that represents a specific time or date on a web page. It is used to mark up the date and time of a publication, an event, or any other piece of content that has a time-based element. In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of the `<time>`…

  • Title Tag HTML

    The `<title>` tag is an HTML element that defines the title of a webpage. It is a required element in HTML and is located within the `<head>` section of the webpage. The text inside the `<title>` tag appears in the browser’s title bar, bookmarks, and search engine results. Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how…

  • tr Tag in HTML

    The `<tr>` tag is an HTML tag that is used to create a table row in HTML. In this tutorial, we’ll go over the basics of the `<tr>` tag, including how to use it and some of the attributes you can use to customize your table rows.  Basic Syntax The basic syntax for the `<tr>`…

  • track Tag in HTML

    The `<track>` tag is an HTML element that is used to specify a text track for a video or audio element. A text track is used to display captions, subtitles, descriptions, or other forms of text alongside the audio or video content. The `<track>` element can be used in conjunction with the `<video>` or `<audio>`…

  • tt Tag in HTML

    The HTML <tt> tag is used to define text that should be displayed in a fixed-width font, also known as a monospace font. This can be useful for displaying computer code, command line input and output, or other text that requires a consistent visual structure. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to use the…

  • u Tag in HTML

    The <u> tag is an HTML tag that is used to underline text on a webpage. It is one of the simplest formatting tags in HTML and is very easy to use. In this tutorial, we will go over the syntax and usage of the <u> tag. Syntax: The syntax for the <u> tag is…

  • ul Tag in HTML

    The `<ul>` tag is one of the fundamental HTML tags used to create unordered lists. Unordered lists are used to display a list of items that do not have a specific order or hierarchy. Here’s a tutorial on how to use the `<ul>` tag: ### Syntax The basic syntax for using the `<ul>` tag is…

  • var Tag in HTML

    The `<var>` tag is an HTML element that is used to indicate a variable or mathematical expression within a document. When used correctly, it can make it easier for readers to identify and understand the variables used in a mathematical or scientific context. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to use the `<var>` tag in…

  • video Tag in HTML

    The `<video>` tag in HTML is used to embed videos on web pages. In this tutorial, we will cover the basic syntax and usage of the `<video>` tag. ### Basic Syntax The basic syntax for the `<video>` tag is as follows: “`html <video src=”video.mp4″></video> “` In this example, we have a simple `<video>` element with…

  • wbr Tag in HTML

    The <wbr> tag is a non-standard HTML tag that stands for “word break opportunity.” It’s used to indicate a point in a word where a line break can occur if necessary, without affecting the meaning of the word. The wbr Tag in HTML tag is especially useful in situations where text is being displayed on a…

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