C Programming Questions and Answers – Table Lookup
C Programming Questions and Answers – Table Lookup
1.What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
struct student
char a[5];
void main()
struct student s[] = {“hi”, “hey”};
printf(“%c”, s[0].a[1]);
a) h
b) i
c) e
d) y
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2.What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
char *a[3] = {“hello”, “this”};
printf(“%s”, a[1]);
a) hello
b) Varies
c) this
d) Compile time error
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3.What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int lookup[100] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
printf(“%d”, lookup[3]);
a) 2
b) 4
c) Compile time error
d) 3
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4.What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
char *a[3][3] = {{“hey”, “hi”, “hello”}, {“his”, “her”, “hell”}
, {“hellos”, “hi’s”, “hmm”}};
printf(“%s”, a[1][1]);
a) her
b) hi
c) Compile time error
d) hi’s
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5.What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
struct p
char *name;
struct p *next;
struct p *ptrary[10];
int main()
struct p p;
p->name = “xyz”;
p->next = NULL;
ptrary[0] = &p;
printf(“%s\n”, p->name);
return 0;
a) Compile time error
b) Segmentation fault/code crash
c) xyz
d) Undefined behaviour
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6.What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
struct p
char *name;
struct p *next;
struct p *ptrary[10];
int main()
struct p p;
p.name = “xyz”;
p.next = NULL;
ptrary[0] = &p;
printf(“%s\n”, ptrary[0]->name);
return 0;
a) Compile time error
b) Segmentation fault
c) Undefined behaviour
d) xyz
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7.What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
struct p
char *name;
struct p *next;
struct p *ptrary[10];
int main()
struct p p, q;
p.name = “xyz”;
p.next = NULL;
ptrary[0] = &p;
strcpy(q.name, p.name);
ptrary[1] = &q;
printf(“%s\n”, ptrary[1]->name);
return 0;
a) Compile time error
b) Segmentation fault/code crash
c) Depends on the compiler
d) xyz
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8.What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
struct p
char *name;
struct p *next;
struct p p, q;
p.name = “xyz”;
p.next = NULL;
ptrary[0] = &p;
strcpy(q.name, p.name);
ptrary[1] = &q;
printf(“%s\n”, ptrary[1]->name);
return 0;
a) Compile time error
b) Depends on the compiler.
c) Undefined behaviour
d) xyz
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9.Which function is responsible searching in the table?
(For #define IN 1, the name IN and replacement text 1 are stored in a “table”)
a) findout(s);
b) lookup(s);
c) find(s);
d) lookfor(s);
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10.Which algorithm is used for searching in the table?
a) List search
b) Informed search
c) Hash search
d) Adversarial search
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11.Which function is responsible for recording the name “s” and the replacement text “t” in a table?
a) install(s, t);
b) fix(s, t);
c) setup(s, t);
d) settle(s, t);
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12.Which of the following is true?
a) Install function uses lookup
b) lookup function uses install
c) Install and lookup function work independently
d) Both (a) as well as (b)
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13.What happens when install(s, t) finds that the name being installed is already present in table?
a) It doesn’t modify the name in the table
b) It modifies the name with new definition
c) It modifies iff the new definition has higher priority
d) It creates a new table and add the new definition in it
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14.In what situation, install function returns NULL?
a) When there is no memory for adding new name
b) When the name to be defined is already present in the table
c) Whenever a new name is added to the table
d) All of the mentioned
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15.What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
struct student
char a[];
void main()
struct student s;
printf(“%d”, sizeof(struct student));
a) Compile time error
b) 8
c) 1
d) Varies
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16.What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
struct p
char *name;
struct p *next;
struct p *ptrary[10];
struct p p, q;
p.name = “xyz”;
p.next = NULL;
ptrary[0] = &p;
q.name = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*3);
strcpy(q.name, p.name);
q.next = &q;
ptrary[1] = &q;
printf(“%s\n”, ptrary[1]->next->next->name);
a) Compile time error
b) Depends on the compiler.
c) Undefined behaviour
d) xyz
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