Software Engineering MCQs

1.  Software Engineering Basics

The sections contains questions and answers on ethics and life cycle models of software engineering.

Software Engineering Ethics – 1
Software Engineering Ethics – 2

Software Life Cycle Models

2. Questions on Software Processes, Models and Agile Software Development

The section contains questions on software processes, software life cycle models, extreme programming and agile development.

Evolutionary Software Process Models
Selection of a Life Cycle Model
Fourth Generation Techniques
Software Process and Product – 1 Software Process and Product – 2
Agile Software Development
Extreme Programming

3. Questions & Answers on Requirement Engineering

The section contains questions and answers on various aspects of requirement engineering like requirement elicitation, analysis, documentation and management.

Requirement Engineering
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
Requirement Elicitation
Requirement Elicitation Techniques – 1 Requirement Elicitation Techniques – 2
Requirement Analysis
Requirement Documentation
Requirement Management

4. Questions on Software Modelling
The section contains various questions on aspects of system modelling.

System Modelling – 1 System Modelling – 2

5. Questions & Answers on Software Evolution
The section contains various questions and answers on sociotechnical systems and evolution of software.

Software Evolution Sociotechnical Systems

6. Questions on Dependability and Security
The section contains questions on specification of dependability and security, assurance of dependability and security and engineering of dependability and security.

Dependability and Security
Dependability and Security Specification
Dependability Engineering Security Engineering
Dependability and Security Assurance

7. Questions & Answers on Software Design
The section contains various questions and answers on different aspects of software design like modularity, functions and object oriented designs.

Software Design
Modularity in Software Design
Function Oriented Software Design Function Oriented Design using Structured Analysis Structured Design
Object Oriented Software Design – 1
Object Oriented Software Design – 2

8. Questions on Software Metrics
The section contains various questions on quality metrics, project metrics, analysis of metrics and metric engineering.

Types of Software Metrics
Web Engineering Project Metrics Metrics Analysis
Metrics for Quality Control

9. Questions & Answers on Software Management
The section contains various questions and answers on different aspects of software management like project planning and management, estimation models, management of risks, various decomposition techniques, configuration management of software, software projects and their scheduling and tracking.

Project Management
Project Planning
Size and Cost Estimation of Software
Emperical Estimation Models
Software Risks and Identification
Risk Management Decomposition Techniques in Software Project Planning
Managing Software Projects – 1
Managing Software Projects – 2
Project Scheduling and Tracking
Software Configuration Management – 1
Software Configuration Management – 2

10. Questions on Software Evolution
The section contains various questions on maintenance of software, improvement of software processes, quality assurance of software and software certification.

Software Maintenance – 1
Software Maintenance – 2
Software Certification Process Improvement
Software Quality Assurance
ISO 9001 and CMM

11. Questions & Answers on Architectural Design
The section contains questions and answers on patterns and designs of various software architectures and their applications.

Architectural Design
Architectural Patterns Application Architectures

12. Questions on Design and Implementation
The section contains questions on UML and their applications, object oriented design, user interface and component level designs and designs of various other test cases.

Unified Modelling Language
Building Blocks of UML
Diagrams in UML – 1
Diagrams in UML – 2
Object Oriented Design using UML Analysis Modelling
Component Level Design
User Interface Design
Test Case Design
Software Design Pattern

13. Questions & Answers on Advanced Software Engineering
The section contains questions and answers on different types of software engineering like cleanroom, component based, aspect oriented, client server, embedded software, distributed and service oriented software architectures.

Software Reuse
Application Frameworks in Software Reuse
Formal Methods of Software Engineering
Cleanroom Software Engineering
Component Based Software Engineering Distributed Software Engineering
Service Oriented Architecture
Embedded Software
Aspect Oriented Software Engineering
Client Server Software Engineering

14. Questions on Software Engineering types
The section contains various questions on web and reverse software engineering, software re-engineering and computer aided software engineering.

Web Engineering
Software Re-engineering
Reverse Engineering Computer Aided Software Engineering
Using CASE Tools

15. Questions & Answers on Software Reliability and Fault Tolerance
The section contains various questions and answers on reliability models and fault tolerance.

Software Reliability
Fault Tolerance Software Reliability Models

16. Questions on Software Testing and Quality Management
The section contains questions on testing and debugging techniques, OO testing, software control and management and quality management.

Software Testing Techniques – 1
Software Testing Techniques – 2
Software Testing Strategies
Object Oriented Testing
Debugging Techniques and Approaches Testing Tools
Software Monitoring
Software Control
Quality Management

If you like to learn Software Engineering thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of Software Engineering questions and answers mentioned above. It will immensely help anyone trying to crack a Software Engineering code or an interview.
Here’s the list of Best Reference Books in Software Engineering.

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