Data Structure MCQ

1. Questions & Answers on Abstract Data Types

The section contains questions and answers on arrays, stacks, queues, single linked lists, doubly and circular linked lists, stacks using arrays and linked lists, queues using arrays, stacks and linked lists, priority queues and double ended queues.

Array and Array Operations
Stack Operations – 1
Stack Operations – 2
Stack Operations – 3
Queue Operations
Singly Linked Lists Operations – 1
Singly Linked Lists Operations – 2
Singly Linked Lists Operations – 3
Singly Linked Lists
Doubly Linked Lists Circular Linked Lists
Stack using Array
Stack using Linked List
Queue using Array
Queue using Linked List
Priority Queue
Double Ended Queue (Dequeue)
Queue using Stacks
Stack using Queues

2. Questions on Application of Stacks

The section contains questions on decimal to binary using stacks, towers of hanoi, expression evaluation of infix, prefix and postfix, conversions like infix to postfix, postfix to infix, prefix to infix and infix to prefix conversions, reversing the word using stack and balanced parenthesis.

Decimal to Binary using Stacks
Evaluation of an Infix Expression (Not Parenthesized)
Evaluation of a Prefix Expression
Evaluation of a Postfix Expression
Infix to Prefix Conversion
Infix to Postfix Conversion Prefix to Infix Conversion
Postfix to Infix Conversion
Towers of Hanoi
Reverse a Word using Stack
Balanced Parenthesis

3. Questions & Answers on Arrays Types

The section contains questions and answers on bit array, dynamic and parallel array, count inversion, rotation and reversal array operations, end array operations, sparse and suffix array, matrix and sparse matrix.

Bit Array
Dynamic Array
Parallel Array
Sparse Array
Suffix Array
Matrix Sparse Matrix
Count Inversion
Rotation Array Operation
Reversal Array Operation
Number of Jumps to Reach End-array Operation

4. Questions on Types of Lists

The section contains questions on skip list, self organizing list, xor linked list and free list.

Skip List
Self Organizing List Xor Linked List
Free List

5. Questions & Answers on Binary Trees

The section contains questions and answers on binary trees using arrays and linked lists, preorder, postorder and inorder traversal, avl tree, binary tree properties and operations, cartesian tree, weight balanced tree, red black and splay trees, threaded binary tree and binary search trees, aa tree, top tree, treap, tango tree and rope.

Binary Trees using Array
Binary Trees using Linked Lists
Binary Tree Operations
Preorder Traversal
Postorder Traversal
Inorder Traversal
Binary Tree Properties
Binary Search Tree
Balanced Binary Tree
Self Balancing Binary Search Tree
Randomized Binary Search Tree AA Tree
AVL Tree
Cartesian Tree
Weight Balanced Tree
Red Black Tree
Top Tree
Splay Tree
Threaded Binary Tree
Tango Tree

6. Questions on B-Trees

The section contains questions on b tree, b+ tree and 2-3 tree.

B+ Tree 2-3 Tree

7. Questions & Answers on Trees

The section contains questions and answers on trees like ternary tree, k-ary tree, kd tree, expression tree, bin, van emde boas tree and disjoint set data structure.

Ternary Tree – 1
Ternary Tree – 2
K-ary Tree – 1
K-ary Tree – 2
Van Emde Boas Tree Disjoint-Set Data Structure
KD Tree
Expression Tree

8. Questions on Heap

The section contains questions on heap, binary and weak heap, binomial and fibonacci heap, d ary heap, ternary heap, pairing and leftlist heap, skew heap, min and max heap.

Binary Heap
Weak Heap
Binomial and Fibonacci Heap
D-ary Heap
Ternary Heap – 1 Ternary Heap – 2
Pairing Heap
Leftlist Heap
Skew Heap
Min/Max Heap

9. Questions & Answers on Trie

The section contains questions and answers on trie and suffix tree.

Suffix Tree – 1 Suffix Tree – 2

10. Questions on Hash Tables

The section contains questions on hash tables, direct addressing tables, hash tables chaining using linked lists, doubly linked lists, binary trees and list heads, hash tables with linear and quadratic probing, hashing functions, hash tree, min hash and double hashing.

Hash Tables
Hash Tables Chaining using Linked Lists
Hash Tables Chaining using Doubly Linked Lists
Hash Tables Chaining with Binary Trees
Hash Tables Chaining with List Heads
Hash Tables with Linear Probing Hash Tables with Quadratic Probing
Hashing Functions
Double Hashing
Hash Tree
Min Hash
Direct Addressing Tables

11. Questions & Answers on Graph

The section contains questions and answers on graph, adjacency matrix, incidence matrix, adjacency list, directed and undirected graph, directed acyclic graphs, multigraph and hypergraph, binary decision diagrams & and-inverter graph.

Adjacency Matrix
Incidence Matrix and Graph Structured Stack
Adjacency List
Undirected Graph Directed Graph
Directed Acyclic Graph
Propositional and Directed Acyclic Word Graph
Multigraph and Hypergraph
Binary Decision Diagrams & And Inverter Graph

If you would like to learn Data Structure thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of questions and answers mentioned above. It will immensely help anyone trying to crack an exam or an interview.

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