MCQ Computer Science

Computer Science Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Practice Set 4

Here you can find Computer Science Multiple Choice Questions for banking exam,UGC net Exam,Various Department level Competitive Exam


1. WWW stands for ?
A. World Whole Web
B. Wide World Web
C. Web World Wide
D. World Wide Web

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Answer: Option D
2. A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is
A. Keyboard
B. Plotter
C. Scanner
E. None of these

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Answer: Option C
3. Name of the screen that recognizes touch input is :
A. Recog screen
B. Point Screen

C. Touch Screen
D.Android Screen

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Answer: Option C

4.  Which of the following computer implemented binary numbers, perform calculations using electronics and implemented separate computation and memory for the first time?
A) Mark I
C) Z3
D) None of above

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Answer: Option B

5. A keyboard is this kind of device:
A) Black
B) input
C) output word
D) Processing
E) None of these

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Answer: Option B

6. The most advance form Form of ROM is :-
C. Cache Memory

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Answer: Option D
7. A source program is the program written in which level language?

A. English

B. Symbolic

C. High-Level

D. Machine

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Answer: Option C
8. Which of the following operating systems do you choose to implement a client server network?


B. Windows 95

C. Windows 98

D. Windows 2000

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Answer: Option D
9. A byte represents a group of :-
A) 20 bits
B) 2 bits
C) 40 bits
D) 8 bits

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Answer: Option D

10. IT stands for:
A) information Technology
B) integrated Technology
C) intelligent Technology
D) interesting Technology
E) None of these

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Answer: Option A

11. FORTRAN is a programming language. What does FORTRAN stand for?
A) File Translation
B) Format Translation
C) Formula Translation
D) Floppy Translation

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Answer: Option C

Also Check> All MCQ Practice Set of Computer Science

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